I would like to thank the following people for
their wonderful contributions to this page. Some have submitted information and
photos, conducted research, and others have patiently detoured travel plans to hunt for
Pennsylvania stations with me! Some have donated money for the upkeep of the
site. This page would not be possible or as complete
without the contributions of these station historians.
Field Operatives (Alphabetcal by last name):
- Frank Adams
- Joseph Aliberti
- Eric Anderson
- Bob Angeli
- Art Audley
- John Balogh
- Allen Bankson
- David Barabas
- Rick Bates
- Tom Bates
- Keith Bednar
- Randy Benfer
- Nick Bentley
- Jim Bohrman
- John Bradley
- Bill Brault
- James Bross
- Bill Burket
- Jim Burkholder
- Wes Burkholder
- David Calaman
- Mark Camp
- Alex Campbell
- Matt Cesare
- Chris Chamberlain
- Donald Chew
- Mario Cimino
- Charles Crawford
- Dan Cupper
- Dave Damp
- Rob Davis
- Jim Dent
- Aaron Dickson
- Jim Donchez
- Don Dorflinger
- Dave Downs
- Frank Dutton
- Jim Evans
- Bob Feeley
- Jeff Feldman
- Jeff Feldmeier
- Christopher Fleming
- Dan Frederick
- Rand Gee
- Pete Gifford
- John Glanfield
- Lon Godshall
- Missy Gray
- Larry Haines
- Greg Halpin
- Matt Hamel
- Wil Harkins
- Bruce Harper
- Steve Heath
- Jim Herron
- Pat Hoberg
- John Hudson
- Ken Izzo
- Michelle Jacques
- John Jambor
- Jim Jennis
- Eric Johnson
- John Johnstone
- Gar Joseph
- Rob Keith
- Bill Kessler
- Bob Kinne
- Thomas Kipphorn
- Joe Klapatch
- Bill Knepper
- Dan Kozak
- Gary LaPointe
- Patrick LaPointe
- Greg Laur
- Kevin Leary
- Mark Lehman
- Peter Llanso
- Dan Mabon
- Richard Makse
- James Mancuso
- Drew McGhee
- Kevin McGonigal
- Dennis Mead
- Dante Medori
- Stephen Miller
- Tim Miller
- Alexander Mitchell IV
- Jim McMullen
- Joe Moose
- Adam Moss
- Charles Myers
- Don Narris
- Bob Netzlof
- Mark O'Neill
- David Ott
- Harry Owens
- Mike Oxenrider
- Gregory Pawelski
- Frankie Palombi
- Christine Penn
- Art Peterson
- Job Luning Prak
- Bill Pressler
- Nick Puzak
- Jim Raffa
- Bob Rathke
- Ray Rennick
- Patrick Rieger
- Jim Rothermel
- Don Ruth
- Joe Sanzotto
- Dave Saunders
- Joseph N. Scherbenco
- Gus Schultz
- Kevin Seibert
- Doug Sherry
- George Slater
- Jeff Slupski
- Jeff Smith
- Tom Smith
- Jeffrey Snedden
- Troy Snyder
- Jim Spears
- Greg Steward
- Harry Strauss
- Henry Statkowski
- Eric Strohmeyer
- Dennis Sturdevant
- John Styer
- Doug Swesty
- Tom Swisher
- Corbin T.
- Norman Thiel
- Michael Thomas
- Galon Tonell
- Gordon Torrance
- Bill Von Sennet
- David Walter
- Doug Wantz
- Russell Ward
- Jim Weinschenker
- Ken West
- Matt Wielgosz
- Norm Wilcox
- Kim Williams
- Charles Woolever
- Jayden Wu
- Donna Zalepa
- David Zapsky
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